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script services

let me write your wrongs

script coverage and proofreading

So your magnificent screenplay is written and ready to send off to agents, publishers and production companies? Well wait just one moment. Are you sure it's ready? I mean, really sure? As a writer it is very difficult to remove yourself from the story you see in your head, and be objective about how it will read in the mind of others. Reel Tape Solutions provides a script coverage service that includes:


  • Up to 4 pages of detailed notes, identifying areas where improvements to plot, pacing, structure, character development and dialogue can be made

  • A Logline for your film

  • A Synopsis of your screenplay

  • Bechdel Test Score.

Whilst most unpublished screenplays contain the odd typo, an agent or publisher's assistant will quickly give up reading if your screenplay is riddled with errors. As a trained and qualified proofreader, certificated by the Publishing Training Centre, I can also provide a thorough proofread of your screenplay to highlight and/or correct punctuation, spelling, consistency and grammatical errors. 

These two services ensure that your screenplay is as polished as possible before you send it out for the world to marvel at.

screenplay formatting

Do you have a fantastic story, but lack the means to present it professionally? Do you want to sell your blockbuster idea to a film company, but don't have the time or equipment to make it look and read like a professional screenplay? Well Reel Tape Solutions are here to help! I can take your draft text and present it using industry-standard formatting, turning your great idea into a polished and professionally-presented screenplay that will give your work the best possible chance of being read. Your formatted script will be returned to you in both PDF and RTF formats, allowing you to make further changes in text editors such as Microsoft Word.

so how much does all this cost?

As this is generally a bespoke service, prices will vary according to how many pages your script is, and the format it is in. As with the showreel editing and self taping services, the ethos of the company is to make your life easier without being a strain on your bank balance! As a guide, script coverage and proofreading of a feature length screenplay (approximately 100 pages) costs around £100, with the same service for a short film (approximately 30 pages) costing around £50. Formatting a feature length screenplay costs £45, whilst the same service for a short film costs £25.

If you require the whole kit and caboodle, please feel free to drop me a line at and we can figure out a price based on the number of pages to be formatted and proofread, and for detailed notes to be given.

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